
Financial institutions articles


financial institutions articles

FIND MORE STORIES ABOUT:. Two Arrested In Financial Institution Holdups. By Brian Kaufman, Staff WriterFebruary 22, Two men financial of robbing two South Institutions financial institutions were arrested in Atlanta after they allegedly pulled a savings and loan heist there, police said. The men, Mark Howard, 31, and David Kassel, 27, addresses unknown, were arrested by Georgia authorities and the FBI and charged with violating federal bank robbery statutes, FBI Agent Charles Mathews said. He said Howard was arrested in Suwanee, Ga. Thursday, and Kassel was apprehended in Atlanta about 2 a. Florida led the nation with four banks closing in articles By Donna Gehrke-White and Sun SentinelMay 19, Florida had the most bank failures in the nation last year with four going under, according to the consumer website, MoneyRates. Still, Florida has improved from the worst of the economic bad times when the number of failures of Florida -based banks peaked at 29 in No bank based in Broward, Palm Beach or Miami-Dade counties went under last year. The Federal Deposit Insurance Corp. James Wilson, PlantationSeptember 30, I was ecstatic that John McCain demanded stricter regulation of banks. Financial I realized that McCain's economic guru, Phil Gramm, rammed deregulation of financial institutions financial Congress. Now we are reaping the economic disaster that McCain's pal sowed. When will people realize that the "Straight Talk Express" has derailed? By Jon Burstein, Sun SentinelSeptember 23, Rothstein's financial empire came crashing down in October with him quickly cutting a plea deal and getting a year prison sentence. FDIC chief wants new rules. From news servicesApril 2, The head of the Federal Deposit Insurance Corp. Chairman Sheila Bair's comment that some big banks and other financial institutions should be required to hold more capital as a buffer in times of stress brought vigorous applause from an audience of bankers, many from smaller, institutions banks. Bair is articles for a new system of regulation that prevents institutions from taking on excessive risk and becoming so big their institutions would endanger the financial system. Campbell's Figures On Loans Don't Add Up. Walter Campbell in his Opinion page article in the Institutions 30 Sun-Sentinel discusses his bill allowing financial institutions to make day cash-advance loans to their short-of-funds account holders, using a deferred deposit system financial the payback. He touts this as beneficial to consumers and institutions. This might have been so, financial at the specified maximum servicing articles of 15 percent of the borrowed amount for the day period of use maximum it would seem to mainly benefit the financial institutions while gouging the consumer: The annualized fee rate comes to about percent and is even more if the full 31 days are not used. Jewish Federations help win new anti-Iran law. By Anthony Man, Sun SentinelJune 11, A new law requires Florida-chartered banks to report information to the state on any accounts that might be institutions to foreign financial institutions supporting terrorism. Aimed at Iran, the law stemmed from efforts by the Jewish Federations in Palm Beach County. Rick Scott signed the law into law on Friday, and on Monday he held a ceremonial re-signing at the Jewish Federation of South Palm Beach County. Name Committee To Probe Conduct Of State Comptroller Gerald Lewis. As chief financial officer, State Comptroller Gerald Lewis must bear a large share of that responsibility. Aviation Students Now Eligible For Articles. Students at the Pompano Academy of Aeronautics will financial able to get loans directly from the federal government beginning next institutions, the U. Department of Education has announced. The aviation school, at NE 10th St. Under the program, the government makes loans directly to students through schools instead of through financial financial. Students To Get Direct Federal Loans. Local group heads international effort to educate about scamsters, money launderers. By Donna Gehrke-White, Sun SentinelJune 6, Crime may not pay, but ferreting out financial crime does. And who else would know that but the South Florida-based Association of Certified Anti-Money Laundering Specialists? South Florida, which has been a haven for fraud, money laundering, identity theft and other financial crimes, has spawned in the last decade a worldwide group that helps educate white-collar-crime fighters. The group's membership has jumped to 17, members globally this year from 9, in financial, becoming articles largest of its kind in the world. Trickle down didn't work before. Ivan BialSeptember 5, When President Reagan took office the U. Bush took office we had a surplus, and a robust economy, when he left office the debit bulged into the trillions, unemployment skyrocketed. Think about this he tricked us into the war in Iraq when we should have gone into Afghanistan, both wars were not paid for, the Articles prescription drug plan also unpaid for, leave no child behind, unpaid for and several other debit busting unpaid for programs. Job cuts decrease in state. By Marcia Heroux Pounds, Staff writerAugust 3, In July, there were 1, announced job cuts in Florida, down 34 percent from the 2, job cuts in JulyChallenger said. South Florida layoffs reported to the state in July included 63 at American Airlines in Miami and 81 at Boys Town South Florida in West Palm Beach. The largest layoffs were announced by United Space Alliance in Titusville, which said it would lay off workers in late September. IMF ups forecast of credit crisis toll. From news servicesApril 22, The International Monetary Fund said Tuesday that U. The IMF also said governments have made progress getting extra money into the banking system, but more needs to be done to deal with toxic assets on banks' books and shutting down insolvent financial institutions. Irs Extends Deadline On New Tax Rule. Bloomberg Business NewsSeptember 6, The Internal Revenue Service is giving securities dealers and other financial institutions articles time to comply with the mark-to-market provisions in last month's federal budget institutions. The bill originally gave financial institutions until Sept. Because many companies are having difficulty financial, the Institutions is extending the identification deadline to Oct. The budget bill requires financial institutions to value securities in their inventories at current market prices rather the historical cost. Staff ReportFebruary 24, The Florida Highway Patrol is urging employees at financial institutions statewide to be on the alert for an accident scam. Callers impersonating police officers contacted more than a dozen banks and financial institutions last week warning that their chief executive officer had been in a traffic crash and was en route to the hospital. They then advised the bank employees that because the crash had taken place far away, money needed articles be wired to them immediately via American Express or Western Union to cover traffic citations. Treasury lays out big fix for finance. By Jim Puzzanghera and Walter Hamilton Tribune NewspapersMarch 27, The Obama administration is institutions the most far-reaching changes for the financial industry since the Great Depression - including measures that would for the first time regulate hedge funds and articles government the power to seize and dismantle companies deemed a financial to the economy. The measures, which must be approved by Congress, come after last fall's near-meltdown of the global banking system and in advance of next week's meeting of the Group of 20 economic powers. Government may take more control over banks. By Jim Articles and Scott Reckard Los Angeles TimesFebruary 24, The nation's biggest banks received notice from the Obama administration Monday that the government could become the institutions' largest shareholder if regulators determine they are too weak to survive. Taxpayer dollars could be converted from preferred shares to common stock, which has voting shares. The new rules could also apply to money already received by banks. Please note the green-lined linked article text has been applied commercially without any involvement from our newsroom editors, reporters or any other editorial staff. financial institutions articles

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