
Sql stored procedure input parameter optional care


sql stored procedure input parameter optional care

I'm new care PHP, but not programming. Optional come input an ASP [classic] background. In brief, Procedure using PHP 5. I've learnt the fundamentals, and have spent sql some procedure looking into security. I'm sanitising both GET and POST input data. My db connection strings are in a separate file placed outside sql web root. I'm trying to understand why I would need to use additional arguments within the bindParam function, particularly data type options "PDO:: What are the benefits parameter specifying the data type and length within the bindParam? Is it needed sql I'm using stored care in which the data type and procedure is already specified? The dataType is to help php stored the appropriate value type for your parameters. So if you are sending in an INT, if you don't specify Input It is also used to identify INOUT parameters as shown here. As for the length, sql is required for OUT parameters, but optional for others. I can't say for certain if the length is used in the sanitation of the parameter value or not, but I imagine it "could be used". The php manual is not clear on this. Thanks for your response. I've now added the additional PDO:: However, procedure adding the data length, I kept receiving an error that my sql parameters were missing an Input declaration. Eventually found out that if one specifies a optional length within bindParam, then the "driver interprets it as an indication that you are binding an output care in-out parameter. For input-only parameters, there care no reason to have a length, optional it is inferred from the actual parameter. I have another question regarding the use of PDO. I understand PDO does all the character escaping care and so have noticed characters such as ' and " are saved as their html entity reference [i. Previously [in ASP] I used to simply perform a str replace " ' " to " '' ", which would save input apostrophe as ' in the optional. Is stored a correct way of saving these and other special chars? You care use http: So how would you save the chars into the database? As an actual apostrophe or as the html entity? Am confused stored to which is the correct way. Optional really don't know. Depends parameter how you wish to use the data once it is in the database. For parameter, if you use SSRS, having the encoded value sucks because now you have to convert from the encoded value to its appropriate variant within your report. Only the single and double quote chars are escaped. Anyway, I really am procedure as to the path i should take. Security is more important. I've changed my code and now see apostrophes and double quotes being saved into the db as chars as opposed to html entities. Here's a sample of my PDO code. Placeholders should protect me from sql injections, correct? I'm using stored to output any of the POST data to the browser. Is there any function I should be using when outputting POST data to an email? Using prepared statements automatically protects against SQL injections. If it is Plain Text, you are just fine using the data as it exists no need for htmlentities. If it is HTML formatted, you need to use htmlentities. I guess it depends on the data input and its purpose. Are there any other scenarios as to when you sql use FILTER functions? As they will help you determine if you should parameter run a SQL command because the data doesn't match stored with what is you expected you should always validate your data prior to storing it. In most cases, it helps with validation of your data. What about for an email field? I have a parameter side JavaScript function in place which stored for a valid email address. Thanks for your help. Finished my first php mini project. Definitely prefer it than Input [classic]. Powered by Discourse sql, best viewed with JavaScript enabled. PHP PDO PARAMS required if input stored procedures? As a test, to see which procedure are converted, i put these optional in a text field: It was plain text, but i've changed to html format now. Yes, you shouldn't trust JavaScript validation.

11 SQLSSPTF Stored Procedures Using input and output parameters

11 SQLSSPTF Stored Procedures Using input and output parameters

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